Adult Scoliosis


Adult Programs at Scol-Rx

All programs for patients who are skeletally mature are based on the Schroth Best Practice protocols.  Every person is different and protocols are adjusted according to each patient’s curves, needs and specific individual goals.  Below is a general guideline of what we offer. The amount of time each program will take is estimated and will be adjusted following assessments.

Mild Curves: 10-20°

Modified Adult Schroth Best Practice  – 8-12 hour intensive

* Physiologic – a technique used to mobilize the spine in the sagittal (front to back) plane

* ADL’s (activities of daily living) – correction of the spine during dynamic and static activities to increase posture awareness and relieve asymmetric loading of the main scoliotic curvesit

* 3D Made Easy – instruction on posture modifications and beginning rotational, corrective breathing

* Spinal Mobilizations – hands on therapy taught to family member or friend to keep soft tissue pliable and help provide derotation and deflexion of the spine

* Schroth Curve-Pattern Specific Scoliosis Exercises – Introduction to appropriate Schroth exercises, if needed, that use corrective rotational breathing techniques, chosen for each individual patient’s curves and needs.

* MANUAL: Written Instructions, Individualized Pictures and DVD to take Home

* One Follow Up

*E-mail as necessary


High Mild to Low Moderate Curves: 20-30°

Full Adult Schroth Best Practice – 14-18 hour intensive

* Physiologic – a technique used to mobilize the spine in the sagittal (front to back) plane

* ADL’s (activities of daily living) – correction of the spine during dynamic and static activities to increase posture awareness and relieve asymmetric loading of the main scoliotic curvesit

* 3D Made Easy – instruction on posture modifications and beginning rotational, corrective breathing

* Spinal Mobilizations – hands on therapy taught to family member or friend to keep soft tissue pliable and help provide derotation and deflexion of the spine

* Schroth Curve-Pattern Specific Scoliosis Exercises – Schroth method exercises that use corrective rotational breathing techniques, chosen for each individual patient’s curves and needs.

* Specific Area Exercise -adjunct exercise, only if it is determined to be necessary, for any scoliosis related need (e.g. hamstring stretching)

* MANUAL: Written Instructions, Individualized Pictures and DVD to take Home

* One Follow Up

*E-mail as necessary

Moderate to Severe Curves: greater than 30°

Comprehensive Adult Schroth Best Practice – 12

16-20 hour intensive

* Physiologic – a technique used to mobilize the spine in the sagittal (front to back) plane

* ADL’s (activities of daily living) – correction of the spine during dynamic and static activities to increase posture awareness and relieve asymmetric loading of the main scoliotic curvesit

* 3D Made Easy – instruction on posture modifications and beginning rotational, corrective breathing

* Spinal Mobilizations – hands on therapy taught to family member or friend to keep soft tissue pliable and help provide derotation and deflexion of the spine

* Schroth Curve-Pattern Specific Scoliosis Exercises – Schroth method exercises as above with additional Schroth exercises that use corrective rotational breathing techniques.

* Specific Area Exercise -adjunct exercise, only if it is determined to be necessary, for any scoliosis related need (e.g. hamstring stretching)

* MANUALWritten Instructions, Individualized Pictures and DVD to take Home

* One Follow Up

* E-mail as necessary